Love is ALL There Is- Channeled with St. Gabriel the Archangel

St. Gabriel 2

Love is ALL There Is-

Channeled with St. Gabriel the Archangel

Greeting and love to all! I am St. Gabriel the Archangel and I am with you as often as  you ask me to. I can come in for different requests and will always be with you if asked for 24/7.  You are here to guide others, beloved;  in spiritual counsel , in love, and in faith- loving one another all the while. You are a blessings to the Earth and all its inhabitants and we wish for you to ask God now if any are shifting old habits or wish to be renewed in faith – to ask God to help you shift or increase your faith if needed. The Archangels and I, St. Gabriel will be assisting you now in your faith journey, in your walk with God Himself. God loves you and has never left you and some are questioning this-but God has never left and never will. Gods hands are with you and all who ask. Peace be with you beloved. You are God’s people and God Himself will assist all who ask of Him in every situation. Lift up any seeming fears or fear based thinking to God and ask for God’s help in all matters and situations. You are love,  built with God’s Love and in this Love, there is no fear. There is no hate . In fact, in God’s love you are perfect. Shift any concern to God and know that God, who loves you and created you in His Image is with you! and so it is beloved, amen amen amen.  

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