Let Go and Let God 

St. Gabriel 2

A channeled message with St. Gabriel the Archangel….

Greetings to all. When you pray, pray with faith. Pray with unending faith and the Heavenly Father who loves you and listens will hear your faith in HIm, which He credits as righteousness. I am St. Gabriel, the Messenger Archangel. I am here with you today beloved to help you understand that God’s Love for you is unbreakable. It is Eternal and Unconditional. God’s Love is Holy , it is Pure and Loving and there is nothing able to break this holy and perfect Love for you. Your heart is loving beloved , lift this up to God, all concerns to Him. Let Him know how you feel, pray for all others involved, pray for blessings for everyone if there is more than one person involved. Pray for the Highest blessing. Trusting God, His Goodness, His Love- trust (Him) in faith. Give everything to God, the entire situation. Take action steps if needed, of course. Such as if you are seeking a new home, you will have to continue looking. Or if you are seeking a job or new career path, you will have to take steps to seek this position or career. But do trust God with all of the details and the end result. Trust God with everything beloved. Place God first in your life and know that God loves you. Trust in Him beloved with His Love and Wisdom and Goodness. Trusting Him, knowing that your prayers are answered without hesitation, thank Him unstoppingly for helping you. Thank God for all your blessings. Thank Him for all things that are good, and God-given and allow God to have the outcome, the situation, the healing you deserve , in His Hands- and thank God, for His hands are Mighty and His ways unlimited . Peace will ensue when you ask God for His assistance. The Peace of God will always be with you beloved. and so it is, amen, amen, amen.

St. Gabriel the Archangel 


A Channeled Message of Love with the Guardian Angels

Guardian angel 3

Greetings dear sweet child – we are the guardian angels. We are here with you in great number, helping you in your heart, to be able to hear our messages more clearly- if you are willing. Notice the feeling of peace when we come to you dear one. Notice the shift beloved, of peace and love. We are always here with you beloved, in your home and with you now. Try to feel us with you. Take a few breaths and notice the uplifting peaceful feeling in your own heart. We are uplifting you now and always. You are a child of God , and you are a child of peace. Sow peaceful thoughts, focus on kindness, on love, on faith in your Heavenly Father. Sow with your heart. Sow sweet words of love unto others. For others are willing to receive these easy blessings from you. Sow thoughts of love for each other. Sow plenty of goodness around you this day and always. We say beloved, unto thee, we are here to help you. We understand what you are feeling and know that you are strong in your heart. You were created with God’s Hands, fashioned with Love and Kindness and these gifts of  Love and Kindness dwell within you. Shine these gifts unto others this day and always. This will help all who hear your love and blessings and kindness, and will glorify God in Heaven. We, the guardian angels are helping you this day beloved, and are always with you. We hold you now in our loving embrace of peace. We lift away uncertainty, for this is needed. We shift your awareness now, to God’s Love , who is with you always. Loving you, and cherishing you and your family. God loves everyone beloved and loves you now. Sow words of peace for others to hear, Sow good works of Love and Patience for others around you. This is noticed by God when done. Notice when others are acting kindly, for this too, glorifies God in Heaven.

Ask for us often, your guardian angels are here with you now, surrounding you with other angels and Archangels, sitting beside you and notice the feeling of peace in your heart. We are always happy to help and will be with you always. Call on us every time you wish. ANytime you wish. Call on us beloved always. Ask us for anything. We are happy to help you this day and are with you always. 24/7 and we see you as a precious child of God. A strong child of peace and love, a child of God – the Most High, who is learning to love and wish for you to ask each of us to be with you in every day matters. See this day and every day as a gift from God and rejoice in every day, for it is blessed. And so it is, we lift you, we bless you in great number, we surround your home and fill you with love , we are lifting your home or office also- or both, we are helping you with your requests, and know that we are listening and can hear you always. And so it is, amen, amen , amen. 

The Guardian Angels with the Angel Team

It is God Who Loves You the Most

St. Gabriel 2

Here is a channeled message from St. Gabriel the Archangel with the angels……

Blessed be God forever, for this is St. Gabriel the Archangel and I bring you a message of love and peace from the angels and from God to help you this day. God Himself loves you entirely beloved. Shift your thinking to Love now and to God and give thanks for this love- His holy Love. It is true that God loves you entirely beloved and this we send to you now for this is needed. It is the Love of God that helps you daily, that embraces you when you sleep , that holds you when you are unhappy. The Love of God is with you each day you are here, while on Earth , and will be also when you are in Heaven. It is the Love that God Himself shares with you and He wants you to know that He loves you this day and always. Every child of God is loved equally beloved and this is being repeated dear child of the Most High for you to hear as some have forgotten that God is the one who loves each of you the same, the most, and is unconditional with His love. God created you and your family. He knows you entirely and loves that you love to come to Him in prayer, and for His Assistance. He knows and wants you to be able to come to Him for everything beloved. He wants you to know how much you are loved by Him and He is willing to help every day. This is a question worth asking! Love is certain with God’s help. Love is what God loves the most. And when you ask God for His help beloved, you are asking God to help you in His Wisdom, Knowledge and His Love- which is beyond human understanding and the compassion of God , His Truth, His Holy Will- which are beyond measure of a human being’s understanding, will assist you beloved child in His Heavenly Wisdom and Love. Which far surpasses that of which you would understand. Trust Him entirely beloved. Trust God’s Wealth of knowledge and understanding, His unlimited ways and know how much you are loved this day. Trust God Almighty in every way, give thanks to God now and always. In time, you will see your answered prayer come to pass. God answers all prayers without hesitation beloved. Give thanks daily to God, thanking Him for all He has done , and will do. Ask Him for His help now, in any matter. God sees this beloved as an act of faith and give thanks now also. For He loves you, and your family the most. Blessed be God in the highest beloved. And so it is, we cleanse you from any doubt or uncertainty and lift you beloved. We lift you now and always, every time you ask. Amen, Amen, Amen. 

St. Gabriel the Archangel with the angels 

You Have a Heart Worth Lifting


A channeled message from St. Michael – with the Healing Angels, Guardian Angels and The Angel Team, and the Angels of Peaceful Protection

Greetings all ! I am St. Michael the Archangel. I am working with you now if you allow me to to help lift your heart a little this day. You are blessed beloved child of God. You are blessed and God is with you, each of you and your family and friends as well. You are blessed and we are here to help you understand that it is okay to ask for an uplifting when needed, or thought about for no reason. The mind of a human can focus on illusion if you let it. Be with the angels and Archangels who surround you now as we celebrate with you this day your love in your heart and  in your heart is the Holy Spirit of God, which we also celebrate with you this day. Allow the Angels and me, St. Michael to lift you now with our love and we do this in a very loving and Heavenly way. I, St. Michael will be with you every moment of the day if you ask me, I will also help uplift you now. Uplift your heart to the realm of the angels and of Heaven. Listen now dear beloved friend, I love you. I want to help you, I cannot be separated from God ever nor would I want to be separate from God. Neither are you. I say this to you because the human mind will tell you that I am separate or that you are and this is just not so. I am always available for you anytime you ask of me. Please do not hesitate to do so. I love to help all who ask of me and am happy you did. This is being repeated for some, but is worth repeating. You have a heart worth lifting, you have a mind worth clearing and you have a home worth protecting and shielding. Some have thought they were not worth this clearing and shielding from me and have not asked based on that thought. Please know , although you are worth clearing , and I will be happy to do so, I will also honor free will. You need only ask of me, and I am happy to help you and your family. In fact it is recommended that you do. You have a life worth living to its fullest. A light worth shining and there is no shame in asking the angels or me to help you do this. We are happy to help you. Always. 

Sit now in a comfortable and relaxed position, and ask for me , St. Michael to be with you now. Ask for your guardian angels who are here with you. Ask for a team of angels to help you uplift your mind and heart. We will be happy that you asked us to help and also happy to do so. You are not bothering Heaven when you ask us for help. In fact, it is seen as an act of Love for you and your family when you ask on behalf of another. Be willing to lift all concern to God at all times. Be willing to ask God to help you. There is nothing God cannot handle beloved and this is something that has troubled your heart if it is a concern is it not?  Be not troubled any longer, beloved, but ask us in helping you. We will act on your behalf in an unlimited fashion and will intercede for you also. Sit now and ask for us now, for as you read this countless angels are by your side who are all helping you now , lift away any concern , helping to lift any stress related emotions, for you are blessed and deserve to be lifted. We will help you to feel our peace, which is higher than human emotion. Help you to feel one with God’s Love. One with Peace, one with the angels. One with the Purest Love And Light and also help you to know you are loved unconditionally and your heart is a loving light in this world and deserves to be lifted now and always. So we lift you now, and love you . We open your heart to the awareness of God’s Love and help you now and always. And so it is beloved, we bless you , amen, amen amen. 


St. Michael with the Healing Angels, Guardian Angels and The Angel Team, and the Angels of Peaceful Protection


Choose From Love


A Channeled Message from the Angel Realm with St. Michael 

Beloved, your angel team works with you daily. Just as we do with all people. Even when you do not think we are there, we are! In fact an Angel Team, which is led by St. Michael and the Angeles today is working with you for your own specific intention. We are noticing beloved, that your mind is telling you that we are somewhere else; or that we cannot hear you. In fact, we can! We can hear your thoughts and intentions, and notice when you make a decision of love that will help you  and when you do not. A decision that is created with love behind it feels good to you. And will always bring you peace. A decision based on fear however does not. We the angels do not wish to focus on fear, for our main purpose is love and joy and peace. And we bring you these words to help you shift your own paradigm in consciousness. A simple act of love or a decision based in loved, created from love, will make monumental leaps and bounds in your own personal growth. and also create the life of your dreams. With God’s help, and through prayer and conscious effort on your part, these decisions can be effortless to you. Concentrate on the love in every situation or person or place or situation. Focus on the love in all ways. Knowing that God Himself is helping you see which decision is love based and which is fear. Love always helps everyone, and brings blessings to all. Love is what helps everyone and everything .Choose from love today and always , choose with love , from love and for love. Love will increase tenfold and you will always know which is love and which is fear by the way it feels in your heart beloved.  Choose rightly and you will bear fruit and increase your joy and peace in your daily lives and within the lives of those around you. We bless you dear one and will help you in your daily decisions. Become clear about what is is you would like to see happen and remain focused that way. Become clear about what it is you would like to experience in this life- pray often to God, knowing that He has your best intention at heart and knows what is best for you. Trust His guidance within you, for you are not separate. Know that God understands what you would like to see happen and knows what you are actually seeking. Trust God with the outcome and choose from love,now and always. We bless you beloved- we are here always for you and love you dearly. We are here to help. We lift you and bless you, and so it is, amen, amen, amen. 

St. Michael with the Angeles and Angel Team 

Lifting into Greater Love & Peace with St. Michael the Archangel and the Peaceful Protection Angels


Greetings! This is St. Michael the Archangel, prince of the Heavenly Host and peacefully wishing you good tidings of love and peace. I am here to deliver a message of love for you. And of strength- to enable you to prepare for life changes. This is not to mean that your life will certainly change in a negative way, on the contrary!  This is to mean that your life will increase positivity and love and peace. Let us help you now lift into higher love and light by gently lifting your energy body to the love that is always available to you. This will increase love within you and around you, bringing to you love and always , peaceful blessings.

All you need to do is sit comfortably in a relaxed position, just close your eyes, and ask for me, St. Michael, to be with you in your energy field. Just think: “Yes, please lift me into greater peace and joy.” You can feel a slight sensation of peace from the angels as St. Michael comes in , through your energy body and help to lift you in greater harmony and greater peace. Feel this shift now as your energy body is gently increasing in body and expanding. St. Michael is shielding you from negativity, eliminating any from your own field, and gently releasing it with your permission. St. Michael will guide you to release anything you are willing to release, that no longer serves you. Cleansing your aura of any debris , any feelings of heaviness or worry. St. Michael will replace what is taken, with golden light, the Light of the angels and of Jesus. Helping you to lift into greater harmony and peace this day. This can be from something recent, or something in the past. releasing it now, and filling it with love, St. Michael will gently replace this with true love. The healing Love that is only from the angels. He will help you in your endeavors. In your career, in finding your life’s purpose. In anything you are willing to ask. St. Michael doesn’t mind, and can be with anyone simultaneously. If you are willing, St. Michael will also assist any family members , for all that give permission on a soul level, which will integrate to the level of the personality. Life choices are easy. Life is blessed and you are blessed. We lift you and we love you. When you are ready, ask St. Michael to help you ground, back in your body and when you are ready, thank this loving Archangel for his assistance and loving protection; which can be with you 24/7…. and so it is beloved , we bless you, amen, amen , amen. 

St. Michael, the Angel Team, and The Peaceful Protection Angels

Love is Always Present

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God’s  love is abundant. Available for all at all times. Open your heart to His Love often. Open your heart to the Goodness of God; asking for His Love to overflow within your own heart. Ask for this daily. Ask in prayer by saying:

“Dear Heavenly Father, God of all that is, please send your Holy Love into my heart. Please overflow through to every cell, overflowing through every system, restoring every cell , organ and tissue to its natural state you created or better. Lifting me in love and in joy. I rejoice in you, for your glory. Amen.”

For those asking for health of body , you could alter the prayer, asking God to restore every cell to perfect abundant health .

For spiritual renewal , you could alter the prayer and ask for God’s Love to renew in you a new spirit in every cell and within your heart.

For additional Love , that of God, we recommend asking God every day. God will send His love without hesitation every time you ask.

We bless you dear child of God, and we lift you . Restoring you to your natural state of joy, love and peace. For you blessed and we love you. 

Love is always present and available to you. And so it is beloved, amen , amen, amen. 

The Angel Team