New Beginnings –  Lifting Your Hopes and Dreams to God – Channeled with Archangel Chamuel and a multitude of Angels.

Archangel Chamuel

New Beginnings –  Lifting Your Hopes and Dreams to God – Loving Message from Archangel Chamuel and a Multitude of Angels.

“Greetings beloveds all! Peace and angel blessings to everyone. This is the time for new beginnings we say! New love (if looking!) or increased love in a current relationship. New hope, new dreams we say, new energy! Newness is here and is upon you. This is a new day and in every moment lift up your thoughts, your prayers and dreams to God and to Jesus. For it is through the Words of Jesus that your faith is based. Be ye doers of the Word and not just listeners. Lift up every moment to God Himself and give thanks in every blessing you receive. You are a brilliant love and light here at this time.  Peace is certain when you lift your prayers, your dreams and your hopes to God. God Himself who loves you and is with you- will assist you when you come to Him. “And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive” (MT 21:22) and when praying to God, lift up these words to Him and ask for the Highest Blessing from God and His Will over your dreams and hopes and prayers. You are His child beloved and you are loved! You are so very loved by God and Jesus and should you but only ask beloved, your prayers will come to pass. I will be with you when you pray, and I will intercede for you before God the Father Almighty and His Son, Jesus Christ. I am with you and I love you. This is Archangel Chamuel and I am here with a multitude of angels and Archangels who wish for you only the most highest, most loving and peaceful outcome for everyone, including yourself and your loved ones. Peace is certain when you pray before God who loves you and is with you always. And so it is, beloved , amen, amen, amen.”

There is Need of Only One Thing


Awhile back, the angels encouraged me to write on the Gospels for Sunday. With Love and Gratitude, here is the Gospel of Luke 10:38-42. With a loving angel guided message behind it. 

Jesus entered a village
where a woman whose name was Martha welcomed him.
She had a sister named Mary
who sat beside the Lord at his feet listening to him speak.
Martha, burdened with much serving, came to him and said,
“Lord, do you not care
that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving?
Tell her to help me.”
The Lord said to her in reply,
“Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things.
There is need of only one thing.
Mary has chosen the better part
and it will not be taken from her.”


Jesus often made a home in Bethany at the residence of Mary, Martha and their brother Lazarus. Jesus is friend as well as Rabbi to these siblings. Martha assumes the role of host and head of household when it is “she ” who welcomes Jesus. 

Luke wants to make a statement regarding discipleship and for him, the first step is to listen. Jesus has brought the Word of Life and Martha, in her busyness is going to miss it. 

Mary on the other hand, has remarkably assumed the posture of the disciple, sitting at the feet of the Lord and “listening” to what he is saying. Mary breaks a double “taboo” – leaving the kitchen where she “belonged” and sitting at a Rabbi’s feet, a place reserved for men, not women. Yet, it is this posture that Jesus affirms. Jesus clearly loves both these women and his repetition of Martha’s name signals his warm affection. It’s not her work, but her disquiet that he points out to her, and approves Mary’s decision to listen at his feet. 

Discipleship requires focus, a wakeful attentiveness that can be achieved only by a peaceful heart. Mary has found it at Jesus’ feet. Ecclesiastes says there is a time for everything- to prepare a meal, and when Jesus speaks, a time to listen. [see reference] 

The angels affirm that “Jesus has the Words of Everlasting Life. The Gospels are written so all generations can know the Works and Word of God and Jesus. Loving God and Jesus His Son are important for all. God loves His people, and sends His Works through HIs Son Jesus. Jesus asks all to listen to his Words and act upon them- in that , you are glorifying the One who sent Him.” ~ the Angels 

In Jesus’s Name

Reference- The Workbook for Lectors, Gospel Readers and Proclaimers of the Word 2016

Let Go and Let God 

St. Gabriel 2

A channeled message with St. Gabriel the Archangel….

Greetings to all. When you pray, pray with faith. Pray with unending faith and the Heavenly Father who loves you and listens will hear your faith in HIm, which He credits as righteousness. I am St. Gabriel, the Messenger Archangel. I am here with you today beloved to help you understand that God’s Love for you is unbreakable. It is Eternal and Unconditional. God’s Love is Holy , it is Pure and Loving and there is nothing able to break this holy and perfect Love for you. Your heart is loving beloved , lift this up to God, all concerns to Him. Let Him know how you feel, pray for all others involved, pray for blessings for everyone if there is more than one person involved. Pray for the Highest blessing. Trusting God, His Goodness, His Love- trust (Him) in faith. Give everything to God, the entire situation. Take action steps if needed, of course. Such as if you are seeking a new home, you will have to continue looking. Or if you are seeking a job or new career path, you will have to take steps to seek this position or career. But do trust God with all of the details and the end result. Trust God with everything beloved. Place God first in your life and know that God loves you. Trust in Him beloved with His Love and Wisdom and Goodness. Trusting Him, knowing that your prayers are answered without hesitation, thank Him unstoppingly for helping you. Thank God for all your blessings. Thank Him for all things that are good, and God-given and allow God to have the outcome, the situation, the healing you deserve , in His Hands- and thank God, for His hands are Mighty and His ways unlimited . Peace will ensue when you ask God for His assistance. The Peace of God will always be with you beloved. and so it is, amen, amen, amen.

St. Gabriel the Archangel 


 Be at Peace 

Archangel Chamuel

A Channeled Message of Peace with Archangel Chamuel

Greetings, be at peace with each other beloved. Your Heavenly Father loves you and your family members. Be peaceful as your Heavenly Father is Peace Filled and Loves you entirely. Loving each other is natural for humans. You are naturally made loving and respond to love best when others approach you. Your loved ones deserve to feel your love and you deserve  to feel theirs also. Love attracts love. Peaceful outcomes ensue when you focus on giving your heart to others as a gift. Your heart has Wisdom, Love , and Peace filled within it. Your heart is an open door to Wisdom and Peace  and others will benefit from using this love for them. Do this often and knowingly. All angels love to help you in this area. We love to help you feel peaceful and we welcome you to ask us into your life and into your situations and heart, inviting us to help you uplift your relationships, your career, the way you feel daily. Open your heart now beloved, to me Archangel Chamuel and invite me and the angels and Archangels who love you to open your heart to the Love of God- to the Peace of God Almighty. We will open your heart further- for it is already open and open it to the Love of God. Ask for God’s Love to flow through you often. Ask for God’s Love to help you in all matters -Lift up your concerns to God and know that God Loves you beloved. Be at peace within your heart and open your heart to the Greatest Love Possible. The Love of God is strong, and overflows in your heart now and always. When you ask God to open your heart to His Love and Strength, God will help your heart to be open to Him. We the angels of God encourage this beloved. We ask you to lift your heart now, to God and spend time in His Love – asking God to help you in all matters, and thank Him when you are finished. Thank Him for His Goodness and shift your awareness to His love often. His Love will help you at all times and you are never separate from His Love beloved. We send you this message with love and peace. Be at peace beloved.  May all feel the peace of God this day and always. May you feel His Love and Peace now and always. And so it is beloved, amen, amen,amen. 

A Channeled Message of Love with the Guardian Angels

Guardian angel 3

Greetings dear sweet child – we are the guardian angels. We are here with you in great number, helping you in your heart, to be able to hear our messages more clearly- if you are willing. Notice the feeling of peace when we come to you dear one. Notice the shift beloved, of peace and love. We are always here with you beloved, in your home and with you now. Try to feel us with you. Take a few breaths and notice the uplifting peaceful feeling in your own heart. We are uplifting you now and always. You are a child of God , and you are a child of peace. Sow peaceful thoughts, focus on kindness, on love, on faith in your Heavenly Father. Sow with your heart. Sow sweet words of love unto others. For others are willing to receive these easy blessings from you. Sow thoughts of love for each other. Sow plenty of goodness around you this day and always. We say beloved, unto thee, we are here to help you. We understand what you are feeling and know that you are strong in your heart. You were created with God’s Hands, fashioned with Love and Kindness and these gifts of  Love and Kindness dwell within you. Shine these gifts unto others this day and always. This will help all who hear your love and blessings and kindness, and will glorify God in Heaven. We, the guardian angels are helping you this day beloved, and are always with you. We hold you now in our loving embrace of peace. We lift away uncertainty, for this is needed. We shift your awareness now, to God’s Love , who is with you always. Loving you, and cherishing you and your family. God loves everyone beloved and loves you now. Sow words of peace for others to hear, Sow good works of Love and Patience for others around you. This is noticed by God when done. Notice when others are acting kindly, for this too, glorifies God in Heaven.

Ask for us often, your guardian angels are here with you now, surrounding you with other angels and Archangels, sitting beside you and notice the feeling of peace in your heart. We are always happy to help and will be with you always. Call on us every time you wish. ANytime you wish. Call on us beloved always. Ask us for anything. We are happy to help you this day and are with you always. 24/7 and we see you as a precious child of God. A strong child of peace and love, a child of God – the Most High, who is learning to love and wish for you to ask each of us to be with you in every day matters. See this day and every day as a gift from God and rejoice in every day, for it is blessed. And so it is, we lift you, we bless you in great number, we surround your home and fill you with love , we are lifting your home or office also- or both, we are helping you with your requests, and know that we are listening and can hear you always. And so it is, amen, amen , amen. 

The Guardian Angels with the Angel Team

Go and Do Likewise

Compassion of Jesus

Awhile back, the angels asked me to write on the Gospels on Sundays. With love and gratitude, here is the Gospel of Luke 10:25-37- with a loving angel inspired (and guided) message behind it. 

There was a scholar of the law who stood up to test him and said,
“Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
Jesus said to him, “What is written in the law?
How do you read it?”
He said in reply,
“You shall love the Lord, your God,
with all your heart,
with all your being,
with all your strength,
and with all your mind,
and your neighbor as yourself.”

He replied to him, “You have answered correctly;
do this and you will live.”

But because he wished to justify himself, he said to Jesus,
“And who is my neighbor?”
Jesus replied,
“A man fell victim to robbers
as he went down from Jerusalem to Jericho.
They stripped and beat him and went off leaving him half-dead.
A priest happened to be going down that road,
but when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side.
Likewise a Levite came to the place,
and when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side.
But a Samaritan traveler who came upon him
was moved with compassion at the sight.
He approached the victim,
poured oil and wine over his wounds and bandaged them.
Then he lifted him up on his own animal,
took him to an inn, and cared for him.
The next day he took out two silver coins
and gave them to the innkeeper with the instruction,
‘Take care of him.
If you spend more than what I have given you,
I shall repay you on my way back.’
Which of these three, in your opinion,
was neighbor to the robbers’ victim?”
He answered, “The one who treated him with mercy.”
Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”


The scholar of the law has demonstrated a clear grasp of the Mosaic Law, quoting a composite of Leviticus (19:18), Deuteronomy (6:5), and Joshua (22:5) to answer Jesus’ question about the teaching of the law. But Jesus will now take him much further in his understanding by demonstrating that the “neighbor” he seeks can even be one he despises as enemy. Because cultural and religious history had turned Jews and Samaritans into bitter opponents, Jesus casts a Samaritan as hero of his story in order to demonstrate the primacy of love.

Jesus intentionally scripts the story to include a “priest” and “Levite” and places them in context that contrasts the demands of love with the legalism that infected the religion of the day like a cancer. Many Levites who served as Temple assistants in the Jerusalem Temple, lived in Jericho, about seventeen miles away. The road between was known to be dangerous; in fact, one stretch was called the “way of blood” because of frequent robberies and killings.

The priest and Levite observe the strict requirements of the Law, staying away from the victim in order to avoid ritual impurity on their way to serve in the Temple. But Jesus seeks to show a better way and his role model is a social outcast- a Samaritan who goes well beyond any reasonable expectations to care for the victim. He washes and anoints the man and then bandages him, probably with torn strips of his own clothing. He leaves a large amount of money for his care and promises more if that’s not enough. 

Now Jesus asks the scholar to answer his own question about  which one was the neighbor. Mercy is the attribute of God that makes us like Him. Only with a merciful heart can we love our neighbor as ourselves- and is what is needed to be a neighbor. [see reference] 

“Jesus loves you entirely and has set an example for all . Jesus’ love surpasses the human heart – a Divine love that is so strong, it is eternal , unconditional and Divinely understanding. Using this Love within your life for others will get the attention of the Lord, and increase the Love within everyone. Loving your neighbor as yourself brings blessings upon every person you love. Love is what heals and the Love of Christ is with you beloved, and will always be with you. Love one another and Love God first beloved- who loves you entirely and the most. Jesus will always help you love and so will God when you ask sincerely. Love will overflow within you and others when all choose to love openly and choosing God first is being asked and required from God Himself- who loves you. God is merciful and loves you with His Holy and unlimited and eternal Love and will always be with you.” ~ The Angels 

reference: Workbook for Lectors, Gospel Readers, and Proclaimers of the Word 


It is God Who Loves You the Most

St. Gabriel 2

Here is a channeled message from St. Gabriel the Archangel with the angels……

Blessed be God forever, for this is St. Gabriel the Archangel and I bring you a message of love and peace from the angels and from God to help you this day. God Himself loves you entirely beloved. Shift your thinking to Love now and to God and give thanks for this love- His holy Love. It is true that God loves you entirely beloved and this we send to you now for this is needed. It is the Love of God that helps you daily, that embraces you when you sleep , that holds you when you are unhappy. The Love of God is with you each day you are here, while on Earth , and will be also when you are in Heaven. It is the Love that God Himself shares with you and He wants you to know that He loves you this day and always. Every child of God is loved equally beloved and this is being repeated dear child of the Most High for you to hear as some have forgotten that God is the one who loves each of you the same, the most, and is unconditional with His love. God created you and your family. He knows you entirely and loves that you love to come to Him in prayer, and for His Assistance. He knows and wants you to be able to come to Him for everything beloved. He wants you to know how much you are loved by Him and He is willing to help every day. This is a question worth asking! Love is certain with God’s help. Love is what God loves the most. And when you ask God for His help beloved, you are asking God to help you in His Wisdom, Knowledge and His Love- which is beyond human understanding and the compassion of God , His Truth, His Holy Will- which are beyond measure of a human being’s understanding, will assist you beloved child in His Heavenly Wisdom and Love. Which far surpasses that of which you would understand. Trust Him entirely beloved. Trust God’s Wealth of knowledge and understanding, His unlimited ways and know how much you are loved this day. Trust God Almighty in every way, give thanks to God now and always. In time, you will see your answered prayer come to pass. God answers all prayers without hesitation beloved. Give thanks daily to God, thanking Him for all He has done , and will do. Ask Him for His help now, in any matter. God sees this beloved as an act of faith and give thanks now also. For He loves you, and your family the most. Blessed be God in the highest beloved. And so it is, we cleanse you from any doubt or uncertainty and lift you beloved. We lift you now and always, every time you ask. Amen, Amen, Amen. 

St. Gabriel the Archangel with the angels