An Angel Message of Peace and Love and an Angel Exercise of Light with Archangel Chamuel for all 

Archangel Chamuel

Greetings beloved all, we are with you in large multitudes, as you read this message, we are helping you indeed beloved, as you have asked us all. Loving you in every second, helping you understand the Love that is always available to you right now and always. We are helping you recognize the love this day because we hear you asking for love in all ways. Your heart is loving, dear child of God, and we assist you now in circumcising any thought or emotion you may have felt in this lifetime that held you back from the Love that guides you. In Truth, nothing, not even a thought can separate you from Love, for this is God-given. Yet we say sometimes a thought that is in err, an illusion  if you will- can make it feel as if you are separate from God’s Love. We say this beloved: Know that you are never separate from God’s Holy Love and that of His Son, Jesus who loves you now and always. This Love is what created the Heavens, the Universe around you now, and the Earth itself. Love is what you were created with and we share this with you daily- love is never separate from your table of life. Love is never separate from you or your family and Love is eternally given to you from God Himself. This is God’s goodness, His Love  for all people, his children and all He created. His love is eternally given and blessed are they who understand this and ask for His love in their hearts daily. For this love is always available to you and is within you now. You are God-given as an instrument of His love and peace, helping you to understand Heaven, Wisdom, Love, Peace;  and the angels and archangels will always help you feel this love when asked. God Himself loves when His children ask for His love and welcomes you to His Table of Love – for this is a table of Life and Life and Love are the same in nature. Life is eternal and God of the Living is Love itself. Love is what you will increase when you remain focused on God Himself and His ways.

I, Archangel Chamuel will help you now, with the assistance of St. Raphael and St. Michael – to help you lift into greater love and harmony and peace. This is yours for the asking, and you can do this daily. For this is never measured and  is always available- now and always. Sit back in a comfortable and relaxed position, just close your eyes and think to yourself, ” I am notw willing to open my heart to greater love and compassion. I am now willing to ask the Archangels in who will assist me in this” and invite us in, by name or simply by asking for us as a team, and we will help you lift in your heart. Helping your heart to open and lift into  greater love and happiness. We lift you now beloved, and help you open your heart, expanding your field and removing and exercising what is no longer necessary- helping to rid you of illusions from your mind and heart , and expanding your field into greater love and compassion. I , Archangel Chamuel, will be with you each time this is asked of me – or any Archangel  you ask. For us, this is simple and easy and we are all happy you asked us to help you lift into greater love. Feel the loving presence as we lift your filed with our Light and Love and increase greater harmony within your own heart and mid. Feel the peaceful love now as it infuses with your own love and helps you to lift to the state that you were born with, the natural state of love – whom you Truly are. Breathe through this process and when you feel ready, just thank all the angels who came to lift you in your heart and know you are blessed by the Most High this day and always. Give thanks to the Most High always, for all things, for you and your family are all blessed with His love. 

And so it is beloved, we bless you, amen, amen, amen. 

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